Friday, December 7, 2012

Alcoholism: Helping Families Cope with Living with a Alcoholic

This video is about helping families who are living with a partner who is an alcoholic

Here are a three key aspects that will help you understand your situation more clearly:

1-You are not the cause of your partners alcoholism-It's not your fault that they drink. 

2-You can't control your partners drinking problem. Realize that all of the things you have tried to this point have not stopped them from drinking. Your spouse is not going to change until they hit rock bottom, therefore you are the one who will have to make changes. :You can have to learn how to change your attitude if your in it for the long run.

3-You cannot cure your partners alcoholism

There are also three things that you can try in order to find comfort and peace of mind while coping with your partners problem:

1-Stop obsessing over your partners behaviors

2-Refuse to argue with your partner- Just remember it takes two people to fight. Remove yourself from the the situation and you will have more peace.

3-Make plans to do things with friends-This will help you get a breather from what is going on and also time for yourself.

Finally, Learn as much as you can about how to live with your partner who is a alcoholic. Just know that you can spend the rest of your life with your partner, whether they are an alcoholic or not. The most important thing in order to survive this obstacle in your life is that you first decide to make changes in your life. (Alcoholic's Friend)
More information can be found on:

Alcoholic's Friend. (2012). Alcoholism Help-Family Support For Alcoholics. Retrieved from Alcoholic's Friend: Helping You Cope With Alcoholics:

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