Monday, December 3, 2012

Helping Your Child Cope with Having a Parent who is Dependent on Alcohol or Drugs

Having a recovering addict as a parent can be stressful to a child.  It is important as a parent to help you child cope "by clear and effective communication with everyone involved, expressing feelings and concerns and listening to them." (Brooks)  Effective communication with your child will allow them to feel comfortable to express their worries or questions about their parent. It is also important for your child to receive help and to learn how to deal with the situation. 

Children look up to parents no matter what is going on in their lives from birth to adulthood. Its important that when a situation like having a parent who is dependent on drugs or alcohol that the child receives help or counseling. Just because a child is young they can still develop depression or anxiety in environments like this. There are many resources out there to help parents deal with children who are having anxiety issues or showing signs of depression. Support groups are a great way to help a child cope with some of the stressors they are experiencing, it allows the child to talk to other kids that are going through the same thing rather then talking to an adult who has never experienced this type of situation.

More information can be found at:
Support Groups for Families of Addicts and Alcoholics

Brooks, Jane. Process of Parenting. 16. New York: McGraw-Hill, Print

1 comment:

  1. When I was a child I could not talk to my family about my dad's alcohol addiction It was most like a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. His addiction had bothered me so much that I did want to start going to groups where I could talk about it since my family was unwilling. I found out about Children of Alcoholics through my school. A group of kids would come to talk about their addict parents. Our friends could come to learn how to help and our teachers were made aware to have more of an understanding. I think this group changed my life because I don't know what I would have done, if I would have grown up like him or inflicted pain upon myself because of guilt. Talking about the problems are very important and helpful to create a better life.
